Thursday, March 8, 2012


I've had a few people ask me questions about our life in Shanghai via Facebook or the comments section on this blog and it makes me realize that many of you probably have more questions you would like us to answer. So feel free to comment on this post and we promise to address whatever you want to know about us, our cat, Shanghai, or anything else that comes to mind. Except politics. Oh, and Lindsay Lohan. But otherwise, it should be fair game. Because while this blog is a journal of our life abroad, I also want to make it interesting for everyone reading.

And because my posts have been lacking in photos lately, here is a photo of Matthew with a cat. Or a lion. No, maybe it's a dragon. Actually, I'm not really sure what it is.


  1. Okay,Kristin. You are making me age rather quickly. It is only March 7th but I am reading March 8th's blog. Just lost a day of my life. LOL
    Or maybe it is like a television show from the past called Early Edition. Have fun you two. We miss you.

  2. It's a lion! The symbol of the emperor. If it's the emperor, he has a ball under his paw, representing his power (the world?) and the empress has a baby lion under her paw.

  3. Do you find yourself cooking more chinese food or your American favorites?


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