Thursday, March 15, 2012

Favorite Things: Some Like It Hot

I love wine. Living in the Finger Lakes for 6 years surely has further increased my love of the rich, fermented grape juice (that really isn't an appealing description, is it?). Which is why it was totally uncharacteristic of Matthew and I to order cocktails while out to dinner last week. I have never been more glad though, because I otherwise would have missed this amazing concoction, the ThaiZeed.

Yes, that's a chili pepper inside my drink. Swoon. We had this amazing cocktail at Coconut Paradise, a Thai restaurant located not far from our apartment in the French Concession. While the food was excellent, this salty-sweet drink was by far the highlight of the meal to me. Sadly, the restaurant keeps the recipe a secret which means I won't be reproducing the ThaiZeed at home anytime soon. I guess that just means we have to go out to eat here more often!

Coconut Paradise
No.38 Fumin Rd, Jing'an District
Shanghai, China


  1. This is your new assignment, you must go back and order this again and again and report back to us what you taste. We can reconstruct it!

  2. Matt is really good at figuring out ingredients in foods and trying to recreate them at home... not sure about his talent with mixed drinks. Maybe if we come visit he can try to figure this out ;)


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